How to maintain good gut health

Gut Health

Sorting out your diet, managing your stress levels and getting enough sleep is the way to maintaining a healthy gut!

What we eat is extremely important. It affects how we feel, how flat our stomachs are and plays a big part in whether we develop serious diseases in later life.

Poor digestion affects many of us for a number of different reasons. This could be dietary choices, stress, or even underlying health issues. It can sometimes be hard to diagnose the problem, because many of the same symptoms occur within various digestive disorders.

Keeping your stomach healthy and maintaining good health can be very simple by making the right food choices and by being aware of what foods will benefit you.

If you follow our advice, then you’ll be sure to see an improvement in your overall gut health!

Get rid of the possible offenders

The first step towards maintaining a healthy gut is to remove the food that could be contributing to any discomfort. Many of us are affected by food related disorders, so it is worth keeping an eye on your diet to see what is causing you a problem.

Some common foods that people can struggle to digest are: gluten, eggs, yeast (bread and alcohol) dairy and even grains. Monitoring these foods may go a long way to figuring out the root of any irritation or intolerance.

Be aware that processed and sugary foods deplete your good bacteria. Cutting down or removing these foods from your diet altogether will be good for your digestion and overall health.

Replace with a healthier option

Once you’ve taken specific foods out of your diet, you should replace them with foods that help to heal and sustain you.

What foods should you be eating?

Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables will make a difference, as well as consuming healthy fats, such as avocados, flax seed, almonds and coconut to name a few.

These foods will reduce any inflammation and support your digestion. Herbs and spices can also aid the digestive process as well as some teas and oils.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Getting enough rest is extremely important. Your digestive organs need lots of rest, as that’s when they’re restored and detoxify your body from the day before.  Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night should mean you wake up feeling fresh.

Manage stress & exercise

You may notice changes in your digestion if you are stressed out by day to day life. Work could also be a factor if you spend most of your time sitting at a desk.

Exercise can help your digestive system and get things moving. Eating when you’re stressed could be contributing to discomfort too. It can affect your digestion and decrease enzyme production.

If you follow these tips and take care of your digestion, you’ll start to notice the benefits of what the food you eat has to offer.


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